Monday, December 29, 2008

More Christmas

Our friends Jhing and Huan came by on Christmas day for some amazing grub cooked by Sarah.  We asked if they have any holidays where the Chinese place live trees in their homes, and they said, "no."
It's been festive and quiet around our home this season, and for that we are grateful.  There's been snow, rain, 50 degree weather and tornados.  Ahh, the midwest.  We are looking at another short week of work, and pressing in to the new year with purpose and direction away from the often meaning-challenged 8 2 5.  Here's to where we are going to, and not only where we are coming from-less like lemmings and more like leopards, lizards or Luftwaffe.

1 comment:

SQLFunkateer said...


(cue martial German music as giant lizard-shaped bombers leap into the sky overhead)