A few weeks back, the heat pump in our house in NC went out. My realtor made the call to get it fixed with the home warranty people. Should cost $55 to get it fixed. We can live with that. By the way, for the story's sake, my realtor is telling me all of this after the fact. So, she makes the appointment, the guy goes out and fixes the pump. Thanks Mr. Home Warranty man...
Three days later, my realtor takes a potential buyer through for a showing of the house(brand new heat pump! bonus). Instead of the smell of fresh baked cookies to entice a potential homeowner into the more romantic notions of owning a home, there was a smell that reminded one of the grim realities of owning your own home. Yes, without a fresh baked cookie smell to greet them, all that lingered was the smell of a 3 day old bowel movement diffusing from the bathroom. Our mistake was turning off the water utility in an effort to be frugal. His was walking away and leaving a job unfinished.
Now, almost needless to say, we received no offer on the house. And I commend our realtor for such direct business savvy. She called the Home Warranty people and said the fee for disposing of the feces left by their employee was $55, and so the matter was settled. We got a free heat pump, we still can wow people at our many dinner parties with the fact that we own a home in the Carolina's and we all got a good story out of the deal.
I would like to thank
Sarah Olson for her quick thinking on the job, and part of me would have liked to have heard the conversation upon the bathroom harvest discovery. Thanks to Jon Olson for using the finest water in the Southeast to cleanse the toilet. Here's to
Primo water...