Wednesday, December 12, 2007

some fine popcorn

Thanks to the Hohenadels for shipping us some prime corn from the south.  And thanks to the McKies and Kernel Kustard for their fine taste.  Love the salt in the caramel corn.  


Percussivity said...

Pela's expression is priceless!!

I would never dare compare her to the 'Family Guy's' Stewie character... but if I ever were to do so this would be the moment. I can almost hear her thoughts emerging... "These imbeciles think they can eat tasty morsels right in front of me and I won't mind... I have no teeth they say, well... that bag will be mine I tell you before this very evening concludes! Mine I tell you... MIIIIINE Muhuhahahahaha!!!!"

sarah said...

wow, that's a very realistic candid shot. :)

um, send me your address:

i lost it from when you told me already. :)

Percussivity said...

Upon reflection I wanted to apologize both for the aspersion on your intellect (that was Stewie talking anyway) and also for superimposing upon your little girl the role of evil super genius.

grk said...

Well, Pela is half her mother and father, so there's a good chance some dastardliness will come out. I think it's already out. So, not too far off the mark with your observation...